Poll: What does "Conversion Therapy" mean to you?
The C.P.O.S. Plan of Action
Develop and create policy for SD76, Alberta Education, and provincial government that we believe would satisfy the requirements of current legislation, that also address our concerns, and present it as an alternative.
Protect our children from current curriculum, policy, and legislation that undermines the family, and the security or safety of our children through; legal and peaceful protest and/or walkouts, whistle blower or accountability procedures, and assistance for parents and students to navigate the bureaucratic educational system.
Orate to parents and the public on the current issues facing public eduction from a family centered perspective through but not limited to; events where key questions are presented and the public is invited to participate, information sessions on the Alberta School Act, current legislation, or SD76 Policy & Procedure, and the continuation of posting related articles or court challenges that may affect public education.
Solidify the Family and parental authority into public education and culture through policy proposals for both provincial government and school boards, and the lobbying of political parties to establish and recognize those principles. To do this via all legal avenues available
Orate in action:
What Good Comes From Facebook?
Facebook is incarnate evil. The people that work at Facebook are evil. They support genocide in China. They support the Great Reset. They support the violence of Antifa. They support the Covid Vaccine. They support all the demeaning, dehumanizing, psychologically damaging Covid restrictions of the ‘new normal’, like wearing a mask. They support the shutting […]
CHLIC #4 – Dec 20th, Love
The Peace week of advent 2020 has been very interesting. A lawsuit has been filed against the Alberta Government over the lock-down infringement on Civil Rights, churches in Manitoba were blockaded by Police. Churches in Alberta were raided and given shutdown orders, unknown persons were going to churches and photographing license plates, and churches were […]
CHLIC #3 – Joy! Dec 13
https://www.facebook.com/christian.malazarte/videos/3129013690492560 Where is your line? Mine was the Mask, and with each day, I am shown I made the right decision. I am not shown that I was wrong. With every video, and news article, I’m shown I was right. I’m shown that this is NOT about health and safety. Not about caring for others, […]