C.P.O.S. – Solidify: The Family needs to be protected.

C.P.O.S. – Solidify: The Family needs to be protected.

This is the 4th and final post on the C.P.O.S. plan going forward.

You can read Create, Protect, and Orate by clicking on the name.

The last prong of the plan is to:

Solidify the Family and parental authority into public education and culture through policy proposals for both provincial government and school boards, and the lobbying of political parties to establish and recognize those principles. To do this via all legal avenues available.

Never before in the history of our country has the family been so thoroughly and unabashedly under attack. We are surrounded by socialist thugs, cowardly conservatives who do not believe principles are worth standing on, and brutal death worshipers who think giving our kids over to predators, abusers, and pedophiles is in the best interest of ‘normal’ development. We must stand against it, and refuse to follow their narratives. Refuse to accept their irrational rationales.

The last prong of C.P.O.S is about making a stand for the family, and refusing to compromise.

The last prong of C.P.O.S. is about making a stand for the family, and refusing to compromise. Refusing to accept the lies. Refusing to back down because someone might call us a mean name. We must be the men and women that refused to stand by while evil succeeded.

Three weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the United Conservative Party founding AGM. There I was able to participate with other like minded Albertans, and see several policies passed that enshrined protections for the family into the party constitution and mission. (To be completely honest, I was there as part of this prong of the plan.)

You need look no further than the UCP AGM to see just how badly the family is under attack, and for an explanation as to why this prong of the plan is necessary. No sooner had the party been lectured by a minority cabal of members, clearly ignorant of the reasons and intent of the policy being voted, then a separate(?) cabal of castrated cowardly media virtue signalists were quoting the same ignorant members back to the leader and asking how it felt to be the leader of such a massive amount virulent bigots.

Every media outlet from CHAT to Global was wailing into the interwebs about how conservatives wanted to out gay kids, and let their parents beat them to death. So foolish and inaccurate was their musings, that we had a local bakery think they needed to send a tray of rainbow donuts to their MLA, telling him how it was OK to be gay. Medicine Hat News even openly told me that they think it is a straight line between being conservative and supporting “Gay Conversion Therapy.” (Just so you know, that is code for electrocuting gays, yes, MHN thinks if you are a strict conservative, you want to electrocute gays.)

So what was the policy that had journalists curled up in the corner of the tub showering with their clothes on?

So what was the policy that had journalists curled up in the corner of the tub showering with their clothes on? A policy asking that the UCP affirm the Family as the foundation of good society, and that parents be informed if their kids are being exposed to explicit sexual or religious content at school. Let that sink in. Stop and pause after the next sentence to really fully understand where we are at as a province and country. The media had immediately leaped from a policy about protecting the family unit, and informing parents if their kids were at risk from sexual and/or religious predators, to “they want to out gay kids, and put them at risk to being beaten by their parents.”

The leader of the UCP didn’t help the situation any either. While thousands of delegates were still debating and passing several other pro family and education policies with  75-90% support, the leader was throwing all their hard work under the bus. Saying that the 100s of hours, and thousands of viewers of the policy, had quote “poorly written” it. Like all the lawyers and professionals that helped write, had no idea what they were doing. Not to mention the leader gave zero mention of what part specifically was “poorly written,” or problematic.

The UCP leader went further down the rabbit hole talking about how Bill 10 had overwhelming support, (by the government that got ousted at the next opportune moment,) that parents don’t have to know if your kids join a chess club, and that he never supported mandatory informing of parents. Immediately falling into the clutches of the ridiculous media narrative that knowing if your kid are going to a GSA somehow outs their sexuality. That is a trash argument. What is the mechanism by which kids are outed? Tell me specifically. In order for that to be true, the GSAs would have to be a bigoted group, ONLY for gay people, with straight people not welcome.

Now, I’m going to go on a bit of a tangent here, and express a view that is wholly mine, and not supported by several other concerned parents. I do not agree with withholding ANY activities from parents, unless they can categorically prove telling the parents would be putting the child at risk. A parent has the RIGHT to know who their children are associating with, and what activities they are up to. What if your child joined a video game club at school, but you only allow them an hour of games a day? They are circumventing and undermining your rightful authority as a parent to raise them as you see fit.

What if the local chess club is a front for the local gang? Used to recruit children. Would it be OK for the admin to keep that a secret from you?  GSAs are a front for exposing your children to explicit sexual content. That is a fact. The GSA Network has been repeatedly caught having explicit sexual content linked to their network. The admin across this province were completely oblivious to it. Some, like our SD76 Board Chair even convinced themselves that the network was hacked, rather than admit that it happened. Bill-24 made GSAs exempt from having to let you know if explicit sexual content was being shown in the club.  Still trust the admin to make good judgment as to what you need to know about and what you don’t? I sure don’t.

What specifically can we do to enact the Solidify prong of the C.P.O.S. plan?

So, back on point. With the UCP AGM being clear evidence, among a mountain of other examples I can’t go into here, that the current media, government, and LGBTQ™ have a hatred and fear of the family, (some might even call it familyphobia,) what specifically can we do to enact the Solidify prong of the C.P.O.S. plan? We must take this one opportunity at a time. There are two events in the next 2 weeks that you can participate in, that could help solidify the family to our government, schools, and courts.
The Concerned Parents of SD76 will be at both.

1. Educate yourself on the upcoming curriculum rewrite. Attend the draft meeting. Ask questions. Provide Feedback.

On June 6th the Alberta School Councils’ Association will be presenting the draft curriculum for K-12, specifically focused on K-4.

Details of the session are as follows:

DATE: Wednesday June 6, 2018

TIME: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (or 6:30 pm – 8:00pm)

PLACE: Grant Henderson Learning Centre,

Medicine Hat School Division Central Office

601 – 1st Ave SW,

Medicine Hat

During this session you will have the opportunity to:

learn about how the curriculum is changing
see the draft K-4 curriculum documents
provide feedback on ways the draft K-4 curriculum can be strengthened

This is an opportunity to have a say in the development of Alberta’s future provincial curriculum, and we are pleased you can participate!

You can register for the event here. I have registered the CPoSD76 for the 1 – 2:30 session. If you have not been able to register, but wish to attend, you can come out to the 1pm session, and I’ll attempt to get you in under the CPoSD76.

2. Attend the Bill-24 court injunction. Scheduled to be heard at the Medicine Hat Court of Queens Bench on June 8th at 10AM.

The JCCF Bill-24 court injunction is an all day hearing, that is open to the public. Bill-24 is a tyrannical law, that strips parents of their rights, and puts our children at risk of physical, psychological, and emotional harm. Stand with me and other parents at the court house on June 8th at 10AM
We the people of Medicine Hat stunned the justice when we had the petition challenge, with 100 people in the benches. Lets come out in massive respectful, peaceful solidarity for the solidification of our rights as parents, and for the protection of our children, and the family from tyrannical intrusion by the state.


That concludes the series on the CPOS plan. As additional events and activities come up, I will be posting them, and indicating which prong of the plan applies to them. In the meantime, I will close with a somber warning from Wilders, on what happens when you refuse to stand up for your rights, and for your family. Before you know it, you may be arrested for trying to protect someone from a Muslim rape gang, that is being protected by the police, because you are not allowed to criticize any action of the government. That is the consequence for not solidifying the family in government. Government becomes your ‘family,’ with the right to raise you as they see fit.

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